Ministers Conference 2010 – Wanda R. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I was blessed in the area of provision.  Holy Spirit expended me further, let me explain.  When it came time for the offering; I ask God, where is the seed?  You give seed to the sewer and all I was seeing was the lack of money.  I continue to confess the word.  “My god provides all my needs according to his riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. (Phi 4:10)”.  Because I give, man shall give unto me, good measure, press down, sharing together and running over, shall man give on to my bosom (Luke 6:38), Thank you God that you give power to obtain wealth that he may establish his kingdom here on earth.

I came to the services hungry and thirsty expecting God to do supernatural things in me.  Such as to set me free, that I may set other free.  I would sit in the service with a very large appetite, very hungry for the things of God.  God never lets me down and I left fully loaded, very satisfy.  I was thinking that man of God preached that message and it was all for me and it was what I needed to hear.

The minister of God was teaching on the seed and he stated; if you don’t understand this parable then you can’t understand the bible.

Another minister talked about the word of God.  In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God (John 1:1-5).  In him was life and the life was the light, (Gen 1:3).  Let there be light.  God put his light – Glory all over the earth.  This send my spirit exploding in the inside.  Then he went into Gen 2:7 “and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground”.  God used the same dust of the ground that in the beginning he had called his light into existence over all the earth (dust of the ground) and placed his glory.  This dirt, the substance was the material he made each of us.They call this a simple seed offering teaching!  Man was made after God’s own image, out of the dirt of the ground and gave him dominion and authority.  God relocated the garden of Eve inside of us, he gave us seeds.  Then he shared that the soil suppose to be the ground to help the seed grow.  Now I know is all inside of me.  “Due 30:14” But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in the heart, that thou mayest do it”.  I plan Gods promised in my Garden.  The Bible is a book of seeds.

When it came time to make an offering I took the envelope and lay my hands on it and prayed.  I asked God what he would like me to give.  God gave me dollar amount, but in the natural is seemed impossible.  Only God and only a miracle can I possibly give that amount.  God was about to teach me some more.  My mind told me I had no money, but husband reach over and gave me some money and I put it in the envelope.  Then the minister told us to write on the envelope what you believe God for with for; with the seed that you’re offering.  I felt a shame and embarrassed that my seed was so little.  I heard the Lord tell me; write down what I told you as what you’re believing me for, so I did.  Then I had to get over my pride and embarrassment and wrote my name on the envelope.  As I did that the anointing of God increased so much more.  I was already drunk crying and laughing; now I was also shaking.  I was fully convinced that God had honored what I had believed him for.

Before this ministers conference I would not have done what God told me to do, because my mind set was “you want big things from God, then you give big”.  God told me he look at the intent of my heard and increase my faith to believe him for it.


Ministers Conference 2010 – Virginia H. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I have never been in one of pastor Rodney’s camp meetings before so I had no idea what I was in for! It was an amazing experience! During this conference I learned what it means to serve! No matter how tired I got, no matter how many hours had been put in I choose to press in and do everything with excellence! God defiantly blessed me with all the wisdom and anointing imparted from all the ministers in attendance!

I experienced an amazing time in the Lord surrounded by such anointing for a week straight, I was also faced with a great test! At my arrival here for school, I felt led to not work outside the ministry and trust in the Lord for my needs. To make a long story short, I worked for two weeks, knew I was in disobedience, quite my job and began to work full time at the church! During this conference my bank account was depleting and I began to freak out a little bit setting in the sanctuary after service crying out to the Lord praying for him to come through because my car payment was suppose to be coming out soon, I got a phone call and was informed someone put $5000 in my account! I went from -$206 to $5,000 in a split second! My faith, trust and confidence of who I am in the Lord was enlarged and I received blessing pressed down shaken together and running over!

Rodney Howard Browne stated that God is so good and I will never be the same after this conference! My territory has for sure been enlarged!

Rodney Howard Browne – Jessica P. Testimoy

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

It is such an honor and a privilege to serve in the Outreach Department at the River Church. I am in my fourth month of interning in that department and it is so awesome to see what God is doing through it. Since July, we’ve gone from seven or eight different bible studies in different communities in Tampa to about twenty every week. God is increasing our influence in the Tampa area and people right on the streets, and their doorstep, on basketball courts- you name it people are coming to know the love and power of God because God is raising up people daily to become all that he wants them to be and to go and take initiative in advancing the kingdom of God.

Great Awakening Tours stated that we’ve seen supernatural blessing as well. No matter what kind of vision the Lord has given to you, you can know he will provide for your every need. We recently had a situation where we had an increase in team members and needed an extra computer to be able to work on. We prayed and believed God for it and days later not one but TWO computers were given to the outreach department and above just getting two computers, they were one of the best models out there! How faithful is God to provide for your every need. He’s moving mightily and we are hungry for more and more!Great Awakening Tours

Rodney Howard Browne – Aline S. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Dear Pastor  I watch you from Australia.  Thank you for your zeal and love for God and His people …..  I watch you and i feel His presence..  I feel that i can have a hope that my marriage will be saved ….I pray that this time of the year will become a tipping point for you and your ministry that His manifest presence and glory follow you in every places you will go…That miracles and wonders and salvation will become every day fruit…That you will going to have favor and open doors you been only dream about…My the Lord open wide the portals of heaven and pour you out such a blessing in every area of your life that you will be so amazed by His goodness to you in Jesus name…  Blessing and joy in Him in the Great Awakening Tours.

You have been praying with me to receive a job for several months.  I received a job on Wednesday, December 30, 2009.  My sister-in-law had lost touch and we were reconnected last week. I will be working with my sister-in-law who is an interior designer (a dream I’ve had for a long time).    Thank you so much for standing with us.  We love you.

Matters of the Heart | Grace Meyers Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I was thrilled to serve my house and Pastor’s Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne with an awesome Super Sunday week-end [13th December] 09. Being apart of The River Tampa Bay church, as well as being a Bible school student has changed my life. The things God has shown me, taught me, etc have been life changing.

On the 13th of December, I had the privilege of working with The River Kids. Little did I know what a surprise I was in for. Growing up with parents who are pastors, travelling the world with them on revivals, I could say that I’ve had my fair share of attending more than 100 different children’s churches. But I can truly say that Sunday, the 13th of December, was something I had never quite experienced before, in a Children’s Church. At the age of 20, I truly wanted to be a child again.

I had never heard such a massive scream in my life, as to who loved Jesus – The boys against the girls. Competitions that even I found I couldn’t take my eyes off of. The children were truly captivated with the message Joe Manner had put across to them, using eggs, whipped cream, and water as a demonstration of sin and how God washes us clean. (I’m sure you can imagine how fun that would be.) The children learned about how God loved them – and watching 154 children give their lives to Jesus, in just 1 service, was powerful. We also gave away toys (including bikes), to all the children between the ages of 0-16years.

Never before had I seen such a change in children. They had walked in the doors of The River Kids in the morning with such a weight on their shoulders, to then them leaving with smiles, toys, and the joy. They, having had the most fun in a long time, with a message of how special they, are and how Jesus loved them. Children of all ages, backgrounds, and races; at the end of the service, all had something in common – that Jesus lived in their hearts. I’m beyond blessed to have helped out with The River Kids.

Matters of The Heart | George McCann Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

As I was reviewing my notes to get a feel for this assignment, I came to the realize the amount of information that was just pumped into us in the short week that Pastor Adonica had to work with.

Before we started, it was told to us that we were going to receive a lot of information in a short time and this proved to be true.

What I got out of this week of teaching, on a very basic and personal level is to listen more to my heart and not to over think a decision. Also, to be sure that my decisions line up with the Word. The time taken should be used to be sure your decision is of God and not to satisfy the flesh.

This perspective is also taught in some of the other classes we have here at R. B. I., but I think I understood it more clearly through the teachings of Pastor Adonica.

Pastor used personal stories of instances in her own life which showed a very heartfelt teaching. This course was something Pastor Adonica lived, not jut learned through a book, which her presentation showed.

This particular teaching of Matters of the Heart came at an important time in my own life. I am at an important stage of my life in Christ. I had received a major criticism on a very personal level and did not react the way I thought I would have. This told me that my heart was not in the place I thought it was, which in turn tells me to check on what’s going in because out of the abundance of your heart…..

I realized I was being taught humility and what was the very next days topic…..Humility and Humbleness!
I couldn’t help but laugh and thank God for the opportunity to learn in a Godly setting, the lessons that life teaches you every day and the proper Christian way of handling any given situation.

For me, Pastor Adonica brought into clearer focus or gave me a better understanding what is being taught in other classes. The answers are all in the Bible and the Holy Spirit will help you find them. Just listen to your heart.

Great Awakening Tour City #29 Athens, Georgia | Stephanie S Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

A woman at the retirement home was lying in the bed, not moving, staring into the air. I told her that God loves her, and that I wanted share some scripture with her which I did. I prayed for her then told her that as I prayed outloud for Jesus to come into her heart, that she should pray in her heart. As I finished up I said” Jesus thank you that you now live in her heart..” and she broke out into a big smile and I asked her if she prayed the prayer with me and she nodded “yes”. She seemed to literally come to life by the end of the prayer. It was a glorious moment!

Stephanie S
Georgia United States

Great Awakening Tour City #29 Athens, Georgia | Sheila B Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Mark 16:17 in the nursing homes today as I began speaking to one of the men, the Lord began to deliver him from demons. He began to shout outloud his eyes were wild. When that began I told the demons to leave him, loose him and go in Jesus name. They left him. He prayed and received Jesus as Lord and Saviour and was filled with Holy Spirit. Another lady who received the batism began speaking in tongues. She could feel the Holy Spirit flowing out her belly. I gave her a script and told her to pray with everyone that came into her room.

Stella B
Carolina United States

Great Awakening Tour City # 24 Cocoa, Florida | Richie K Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I led 4 Hispanics to the Lord before they left on their trip on a plane and they accepted Him into their lives and heart. I led a man to Christ and he began to cry. Montecalvo shopping center – Man says I am Buddhist – soul winner proceeds with gospel – the he asked to see Gospel Script and read prayer out loud receiving Christ. Amy led his mother to the Lord. Gave him VCD. This experience was awesome just to see how many people came to know the Lord but on the other hand there are so many rude people out there but I led four people to Christ and my goal was eight. Yah now I know I will meet all the people I led to Christ in heaven.

Richie K
Florida United States

Great Awakening Tour City # 22 Fort Lauderdale, Florida | Kate T Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Today was a great day preaching the gospel and showing my faith to the people, it was a great experience also like in others before. Winning souls like never before for God. In about an hour both my husband and I led two people to the Lord. This is the first time someone accepted by my leading. Praise God! I gave a Spanish lady a Spanish survey and I saw her countenance change. Another guy turned off his car to hear gospel and rededicated his life to the Lord – was happy

Kate T
Port St. Lucie Florida United States

Rodney Howard Browne brings good news to Minneapolis

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